Lightning Strikes the SilenceLightning Strikes the Silence
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Book, 2024
Current format, Book, 2024, , Available .eBook
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A warm June afternoon in King's Cove is interrupted by an explosion. Following the sound, Lane goes to investigate. Up a steep path she discovers a secluded cabin and, hiding nearby, a young Japanese girl injured and mute, but very much alive. At the Nelson Police Station, Inspector Darling and Sergeant Ames, following up on a report of a nighttime heist at the local jeweller's, discover the jeweller himself dead in his office, apparently bludgeoned, and a live wire hanging off the back of the building. As Lane attempts to speed the search for the girl's family with her own lines of inquiry, Darling and his team dig deeper into a local connection between the jeweller and a fellow businessman that leads across the pond to Cornwall and north to a mining interest on the McKenzie River. Away at her police course in Vancouver, Sergeant Terrell's favourite (former) waitress April McAvity is drawn into the case when Darling asks for her help with finding possible relatives in the city for Lane's young charge. Meanwhile offices are being ransacked and someone is following Lane. Through the alleyways of Nelson onto the country roads and woods trails of King's Cove, the latest Winslow mystery is a study in bygone promises and lingering prejudice.
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- Victoria, BC : TouchWood Editions, [2024], ©2024
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